Given an array of points where points[i] = [xi, yi] represents a point on the X-Y plane, return the maximum number of points that lie on the same straight line.

Input: points = [[1,1],[2,2],[3,3]]
Output: 3


 * @param {number[][]} points
 * @return {number}
var maxPoints = function (points) {
  //Set max to 0
  let max = 0;
  //find current slope from points array
  for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
    //Set current slope to 0
    let currentSlope = 0;
    //Set same to 1
    let same = 1;
    //Set slopeMap to a new map
    let slopeMap = new Map();
    //For loop to iterate through the points array
    for (let j = 0; j < points.length; j++) {
      //If i is not equal to j
      if (i !== j) {
        //Set x1 to points array at i at 0
        let x1 = points[i][0];
        //Set y1 to points array at i at 1
        let y1 = points[i][1];
        //Set x2 to points array at j at 0
        let x2 = points[j][0];
        //Set y2 to points array at j at 1
        let y2 = points[j][1];
        //Set slope to y2 minus y1 divided by x2 minus x1
        let slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
        //If x1 is equal to x2 and y1 is equal to y2
        if (x1 === x2 && y1 === y2) {
          //Increment same
        } else {
          //If slopeMap does not have the slope
          if (!slopeMap.has(slope)) {
            //Set slopeMap to slope and 1
            slopeMap.set(slope, 1);
          } else {
            //Set slopeMap to slope and slopeMap at slope plus 1
            slopeMap.set(slope, slopeMap.get(slope) + 1);
          //Set current slope to Math.max of slopeMap at slope and current slope
          currentSlope = Math.max(slopeMap.get(slope), currentSlope);
    //Set max to Math.max of current slope plus same and max
    max = Math.max(currentSlope + same, max);
  return max;