You are given an array of strings ideas that represents a list of names to be used in the process of naming a company. The process of naming a company is as follows:

Choose 2 distinct names from ideas, call them ideaA and ideaB. Swap the first letters of ideaA and ideaB with each other. If both of the new names are not found in the original ideas, then the name ideaA ideaB (the concatenation of ideaA and ideaB, separated by a space) is a valid company name. Otherwise, it is not a valid name. Return the number of distinct valid names for the company.


Input: ideas = ["coffee","donuts","time","toffee"]
Output: 6
Explanation: The following selections are valid:
- ("coffee", "donuts"): The company name created is "doffee conuts".
- ("donuts", "coffee"): The company name created is "conuts doffee".
- ("donuts", "time"): The company name created is "tonuts dime".
- ("donuts", "toffee"): The company name created is "tonuts doffee".
- ("time", "donuts"): The company name created is "dime tonuts".
- ("toffee", "donuts"): The company name created is "doffee tonuts".
Therefore, there are a total of 6 distinct company names.

The following are some examples of invalid selections:
- ("coffee", "time"): The name "toffee" formed after swapping already exists in the original array.
- ("time", "toffee"): Both names are still the same after swapping and exist in the original array.
- ("coffee", "toffee"): Both names formed after swapping already exist in the original array.

Great explaination to this problem here.


 * @param {string[]} ideas
 * @return {number}
var distinctNames = function(ideas) {
    // we have to avoid using same start ch
    // we have to avoid using same other ch
    // cake    toffee
    // coffee  time

    // cake   donuts
    // coffee
    // 2 * (ch1.size - sameCount) * (ch2.size - sameCount)

    let map = {}

    //Loop through the array
    for(let idea of ideas){
        //Get the first character
        let firstC = idea.slice(0,1)
        //Get the rest of the characters
        let others = idea.slice(1)
        //Check if the first character is in the map
        if(!map[firstC]) map[firstC] = new Set()
        //Add the rest of the characters to the map
    //Get the keys
    let keys = Object.keys(map);
    let count = 0;

    for(let i =0; i<keys.length; i++){
        //Get the first set
        let firstSet = map[keys[i]]
        //Loop through the rest of the keys
        for(let j =i+1; j<keys.length; j++){
            //Get the second set
            let secondSet = map[keys[j]]
            //Get the same count
            let sameCount = 0;
            //Loop through the first set
            for(let c of firstSet){
                //Check if the second set has the same character
                if(secondSet.has(c)) sameCount++ 
            //Add to the count
            count += 2 * (firstSet.size - sameCount) * (secondSet.size - sameCount)
    //Return the count
    return count;